Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractCondition

Uses of AbstractCondition in com.softwareag.centrasite.appl.framework.validation.impl

Subclasses of AbstractCondition in com.softwareag.centrasite.appl.framework.validation.impl
 class AlwaysFailingCondition
          A default condition, which is always failing.
static class IntegerConditionFactory.LimitCondition
          This condition checks, whether the property value violates an upper, or lower limit.
static class IntegerConditionFactory.RangeCondition
          This condition checks, whether the property value is within a given range.
 class LengthCondition
          This condition checks, whether the property values length is equal to the given length.
 class ListItemCondition
          This condition applies an embedded condition on any item.
 class MandatoryItemCondition
          This condition checks, whether the property value is non-null.
 class MandatoryObjectCondition
          This condition checks, whether the property value is non-null and not empty.
 class MaxLengthCondition
          This condition checks, whether the property values length is lower than, or equal to, the given maximum length.
 class ReCondition
          This condition checks, whether the property value is matching a regular expression.
 class RelationDateCondition
          This condition checks, whether a date is in the future, or in the past.
 class UniqueItemPropertyCondition
          This condition is used to enable uniqueness of a given property.