Interface ConditionFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractTypeConditionFactory, BooleanConditionFactory, CSAppConceptConditionFactory, CSAppUserConditionFactory, DateConditionFactory, DefaultConditionFactory, IntegerConditionFactory, ListConditionFactory, StringConditionFactory

public interface ConditionFactory

A condition factory is used by the annotation processor. It creates instances of Condition, based on an annotations description.

Unlike the ScopeFactory, this one isn't necessarily provided by the application programmer, aka framework user. There is a default factory with reasonable settings. However, it is more than likely that one wants to subclass this factory, in order to customize its behaviour.

Method Summary
 Condition getCondition(ValidatableFactory.Context pContext, java.lang.String pErrorCode, java.lang.String[] pDescription)
          Creates a new condition, based on the given description.

Method Detail


Condition getCondition(ValidatableFactory.Context pContext,
                       java.lang.String pErrorCode,
                       java.lang.String[] pDescription)
                       throws com.softwareag.centrasite.appl.framework.CSAppFrameworkException
Creates a new condition, based on the given description.
