Version 8.2.3

Command Reference

This documentation describes the powerful and flexible set of Adabas direct call commands for performing database operations. These call commands provide a direct interface to the Adabas database when Natural or another fourth-generation database language is not being used.

Data set names starting with DD are referred to in Adabas documentation with a slash separating the DD from the remainder of the data set name to accommodate z/VSE data set names that do not contain the DD prefix. The slash is not part of the data set name.

The Adabas Command Reference Guide documentation is organized in the following parts:

../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Overview Provides an overview of Adabas commands and some general programming considerations when making Adabas calls.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Calling Adabas Describes the calling procedures for Adabas commands for both the ACB and ACBX interfaces.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Adabas Control Block Structures Describes the Adabas control block (ACB and ACBX) structures you can use when making calls to Adabas.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Adabas Buffer Descriptions (ABDs) Describes the structure and use of Adabas buffer descriptions (ABDs) when making ACBX interface calls to Adabas. ABDs are only supported in Adabas 8 and later releases.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Defining Buffers Describes the creation and use of buffer definitions when making calls to Adabas.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Commands Provides a detailed description of each Adabas command you can use in an Adabas call.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Programming Examples Provides programming examples of Adabas calls in a variety of host languages.

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