Universal Messaging 9.9 | Administration Guide | Universal Messaging Enterprise Manager | Administration Using Enterprise Manager | DataGroup Administration | Creating DataGroups
Creating DataGroups
Universal Messaging DataGroups provide a very lightweight grouping structure that allows developers to manage user subscriptions remotely and transparently.
Each DataGroup is a resource that exists within the Universal Messaging realm server, or within a cluster of multiple realm servers. Creating a DataGroup - in this case using the Enterprise Manager - creates the physical object within the realm. Once created, references to the DataGroup can be obtained using the Universal Messaging Client and Admin APIs. DataGroups can also be monitored and managed using the Enterprise Manager.
When you connect to a Universal Messaging realm in the Enterprise Manager, all resources and services found within the realm namespace are displayed in a tree structure under the realm node itself. It is possible to view multiple Universal Messaging realm servers from a single enterprise manager instance.
Creating a DataGroup
In Enterprise Manager, the Data Groups node exists within the realm node. Locate the Data Group Node, and right click on it to bring up a context menu:
Create the DataGroup - in this example, we'll call it EURUSD_Gold :
The new DataGroup can now be seen in Enterprise Manager:
Publishers with the Publish to DataGroups ACL permission can now publish messages to the new DataGroup programmatically.
Creating a Nested DataGroup
Choose the DataGroup that is going to contain a new DataGroup. In this example, we'll choose the EURUSD_Gold DataGroup we created earlier.
Right-click its icon, and the following context menu appears:
Add the nested DataGroup:
The nested DataGroup can now be seen in the tree:

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