 nChannelAlreadyExistsError This error is thrown if the channel already exists on the server
 nClusterNotReadyError This error is thrown if the Cluster is not formed
 nConsumeEventNullError This error is thrown if a null has been passed where a nConsumeEvent should be
 nDataGroupDeletedError This error is thrown if a requested data group has been deleted
 nDataGroupIsReadOnlyError This error is thrown if a requested data group is read only
 nDisconnectedError This error is thrown if there is a event outstanding from the server when the connection has been lost
 nEventListenerNotSuppliedError This error is thrown if a nEventListener is not supplied but is required
 nExceededLimitError This error is thrown if the number of events in the current transaction has exceeded the server configuration.
 nIllegalArgumentError This error is thrown if an illegal argument is encountered
 nIllegalEIDError This error is thrown if an EID has been given outside of the bounds of the realm
 nIllegalStateError This error is thrown if an illegal state is encountered
 nIOError This error is thrown if there is a error with IO
 nNameAlreadyBoundError This error is thrown if a user attempts to create a named client context on a channel or queue that is already in use.
 nNameDoesNotExistError This error is thrown if a user attempts to delete a named client context on a channel or queue that does not exist.
 nNameSpaceConflictError This error is thrown if there is a conflict in the name space and the attempted operation failed
 nQueueAsynchronousReaderOutstandingError This error is thrown if there is already an outstanding asynchronousReader request
 nQueueReaderClosedError This error is thrown if a function requiring a queue reader is called when the reader is closed
 nQueueReaderContextNullError This error is thrown if a Null nQueueReaderContext is provided
 nRealmConnectionFailedError This error is thrown if a realm connection cannot be made after a predetermined amount of times on initial connection
 nRealmNotFoundError This error is thrown if the specified realm was not found on the server.
 nRealmUnreachableError This error is thrown if flex was unable to reach the specified realm.
 nSecurityError This error is thrown if a security exception has been thrown by the server
 nSelectorParserError This error is thrown if the supplied message filter string failed to be parsed.
 nServiceConnectionAlreadyInProgressError This error is thrown if multiple connectToService is called before the one in progress has finished
 nSessionAlreadyInitialisedError This error is thrown if a variable set during initialisation is attempted to be set after a session is initialised.
 nSessionAttributesNullError This error is thrown if a null nSessionAttributes is supplied
 nSessionNotConnectedError This error is thrown if a nSession has not been initiated but is required to complete some functionality.
 nSessionNotInitialisedError This error is thrown if a nSession has not been initialised on this session.
 nSessionUsernameNullError This error is thrown if a null username is supplied
 nStoreAlreadySubscribedError This error is thrown if the user has tried to subscribe to the channel more than once.
 nStoreNotFoundError This error is thrown if a channel cannot be found from the realm
 nStoreNullError This error is thrown if a null has been substituted for a nChannelAttribute or a nQueueAttribute
 nStreamNotADataGroupError This error is thrown if a given stream is not of Data Group Type
 nTransactionAlreadyAbortedError This error is thrown if a transaction has already been aborted but it is attempted again
 nTransactionAlreadyCommittedError This function is thrown if a transaction is attempted to be committed and a committ is tried agian
 nTransactionError This is the base class that several errors reference see the derived class for more information
 nTransactionFailedCommitError This error is thrown if a transaction fails to commit
 nTransactionFailedRollbackError This error is thrown if a Rollback fails to complete
 nTransactionIncompleteError This error is thrown if a operation is attempted that requires a transaction be constructed with the server first
 nTransactionNoEventsError This error is thrown if a publish is attempt when there is no events to publish
 nTransactionNoSuchTXIDError This error is thrown if a given transaction ID does not exist
 nTransactionNotCommittedError This error is thrown if a function requiring a commit is called before a commit is undertaken
 nTransactionNotStartedError This error is thrown if a function requiring a transaction to be started is called before a transaction is started
 nTransactionTimeoutExceedsServersError This error is thrown if the given timeout exceeds the servers maximum timeout
 nUnknownRemoteRealmError This error is thrown if a remote realm is unreachable
 nUnsupportedProtocolError This error is thrown if a unsupported network protocol is entered
 nUserNotSubscribedError This error is thrown if the user is not currently subscribed to the channel