Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for Software AG Products : Upgrading Software AG Products : Install 9.9 Products, Prepare Old Environment, Shut Down Old Products, Migrate Database Components, Prepare to Migrate Data, and Upgrade the Software AG Infrastructure : Install the 9.9 Products : Complete the 9.9 Installation and Install Latest Fixes on 9.9 Products
Complete the 9.9 Installation and Install Latest Fixes on 9.9 Products
Follow the instructions on completing the 9.9 product installations in Installing Software AG Products 9.9.
Those instructions include installing the latest fixes on your 9.9 products.
*Install the latest product fixes on all 9.9 products except the Infrastructure component named Common Platform.
*For some products, fixes relating to migration are separate from product fixes. Install the latest migration fixes on all 9.9 products, including the Common Platform. Migration fix names for the Common Platform follow the convention OGI_9.9_Migration_Fixnumber.
*Install the latest migration framework fix. Fix names for the migration framework follow the convention MIG_9.9_MigrationFramework_Fixnumber and are listed under Common Library.
For instructions on installing fixes, see Using the Software AG Update Manager and the fix readme files.
You will install fixes on the Common Platform and on database scripts later.
When you install My webMethods Server, you do not create an instance. The fix is therefore copied to the My webMethods Server installation and gets deployed after you migrate the old server instances later in this guide, when you initialize My webMethods Server.
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