Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for Software AG Products : Installing Software AG Products : Installing and Uninstalling Mobile Products : Software and Hardware Support and Requirements : Hardware Requirements : Additional Hardware Requirements
Additional Hardware Requirements
Additional Hardware Requirements
Software AG Designer
Using the Software AG Installer lists free space the Software AG Installer requires in its system temp (Windows) or temporary (UNIX) directory. For Software AG Designer Eclipse platform, the installer needs 700MB additional free hard drive space in that directory.
Each product plug-ins you install in Software AG Designer can require from 50K to 150MB of additional free hard drive space.
Mobile Administrator
You will need additional hard drive space depending on the number of applications you plan to add, the size of their source code, builds, screen shots, and logs.
Mobile Designer
You will need additional hard drive space to accommodate the SDKs for the mobile devices for which you want to develop applications.
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