Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for Software AG Products : Upgrading Software AG Products : Complete the Software AG Designer, Business Process Runtime, and Blaze Upgrades : Complete the Business Process Runtime Upgrade
Complete the Business Process Runtime Upgrade
If you have running process instances that are based on a process model created before you upgraded to 9.9, and you now want to regenerate that process model in Software AG Designer 9.9, change the version number of the process model to the next sequence number before regenerating it. If you do not do so, the process instances will not behave as expected. When you enable the new version of the process model for execution in My webMethods Server, you will be asked if you want to upgrade running processes; respond No.
1. If you upgraded webMethods Broker, make sure the new Broker that will be used by the Process Engines has the same name in 9.6 that it had in the old release. To do so, open Integration Server Administrator and point to Integration Server 9.9. Go to the IS Settings > Messaging > webMethods Messaging Settings page and check the Broker name.
2. If you migrated process runtime packages (see Run the Integration Server Migration Utility), make sure the packages exist in the 9.9_Software AG_directory\IntegrationServer\instances\instance_name\packages directory. The package names are the project names or custom names you specified in Software AG Designer.
3. Open Integration Server Administrator and point to Integration Server 9.9. Go to the Settings > JDBC Pools page and connect the ProcessEngine and ProcessAudit functions to their database components. For instructions, see Installing Software AG Products 9.9.
4. If your old and new product installations are on different machines, the Integration Server 9.9 that hosts Monitor 9.9 is not connected to any messaging product and has no process model fragments, and you want to be able to resubmit processes and process steps that ran before you upgraded, follow the steps below.
a. In Integration Server Administrator, go to the Package > Management page and click for the WmMonitor package.
b. Clear the Resubmit to local IS check box, click Submit, and then reload the package.
c. In your database editor, go to the PRA_PROCESS_STEP database table in the ProcessAudit database component and update the SERVERID column to point to the Integration Server 9.9 that hosts Monitor 9.9.
5. Make sure document retrieval for all webMethods Messaging triggers is enabled on Integration Server 9.9. For instructions, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide 9.9.
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