Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for Software AG Products : Upgrading Software AG Products : Complete the Software AG Designer, Business Process Runtime, and Blaze Upgrades : Migrate Software AG Designer Data : Before Migrating Data
Before Migrating Data
1. Open Software AG Designer 9.9 and point to a new 9.9 workspace. For example, you can accept the default workspace99.
2. Install any third-party features you need (for example, support for Subversion). The Eclipse release installed with Software AG Designer 9.9 is Eclipse 4.4.2, so make sure any features you add are compatible with Eclipse 4.4.2.
3. If you are upgrading Events, go to the File > Import wizard. In the Select panel, go to Run/Debug > Launch Configurations and click Next. In the From Directory field, go to the directory to which you exported your Event Bus Console configurations in Export Event Bus Console Configurations and select all files with the extension .launch. Click Finish.
4. If you exported your preferences before upgrading, import them as follows:
a. Go to the File > Import wizard. In the Select panel, go to General > Preferences and click Next. In the From preference file field, specify the .epf file to which you exported your preferences. Click Finish.
b. Go to Window > Preferences. In the preferences window, go to the Java > Installed JREs > Execution Environments page, if multiple JREs are listed, make sure JRE 1.8 is selected as the default, or remove older JREs from the list. Also update settings that point to old product installations to point to 9.9 product installations instead. For example, for My webMethods Server, update the Server > Runtime Environments settings. For Application Platform, update the path to the runtime instance.
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