Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for Software AG Products : Installing Software AG Products : Running in a Virtualized Environment : Running Your Products in an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Environment : Creating a Security Group
Creating a Security Group
Click Help in the AWS Management Console and search Documentation for instructions on creating a security group.
Ask your network or security administrator for a security group to use for your EC2 instances, or work with the administrator to set one up. A security group defines rules that specify the protocols and IP addresses to use to access EC2 instances. For your Windows EC2 instances, create a rule that specifies the protocol as RDP and the source as the public IP address for your organization’s proxy server. This rule will allow machines in your network to access your Windows EC2 instances.
By default, rules are configured to allow access from anywhere (source Change this default to restrict access to only those computers or networks that require access to this EC2 instance. The number after the / indicates a range of addresses.
You can also let other Amazon security groups access your security group, and therefore your EC2 instances.
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