Managing Domains : Checking the Space Usage
Checking the Space Usage
If you have the site-level permission Manage All Sites, you can check how much disk space is used by each app (that is, by the app versions, the build jobs and the resources of the apps).
When you display the space usage for a new domain that has just been added, you will see an entry for the app store client. As long as you have not built the app store client as described in Creating and Launching Build Configurations for the App Store Client, the space usage will be 0 bytes.
To check the space usage
1. Click and then Domains.
2. On the All Domains page, click the entry for the domain that you want to check
3. Click Space Usage.
The resulting page shows all apps. For each app, you can see how much space is used for the app versions, the build jobs, and resources. If you want to free up space, click an app name and then delete anything that is no longer needed.
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