The XML/SOAP Listener supports REST architecture. This document covers the following topics:
The XML/SOAP Listener supports simple requests in GET manner. In this context, GET means retrieving information (in the form of an entity) that is identified by the request URI.
A service accepts a request in plain XML, so the response format is also plain XML. The parameter names must match those of the service.
The request is formed as follows:
The request document cannot contain groups, arrays, other nested elements, or attributes.
Elements cannot be namespace-qualified.
Only services that accept requests in plain XML can be called.
Enter the following GET request in the URL field of your Web browser:
The actual request is:
GET /wsstack/services/example/CALC?Operation=+&Operand_1=20&Operand_2=36 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8;action="CALC"; SOAPAction: CALC User-Agent: Axis2 Host: localhost:8080
Your browser will display something like the following:
<CALC> <Function_Result>56</Function_Result> </CALC>
The actual response is:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 Content-Type: application/xml;charset=utf-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Date: Thu, 07 Aug 2008 12:25:44 GMT 32 <CALC><Function_Result>56</Function_Result></CALC> 0