XML Document to IDL Mapping

Extracting IDL from XML Document

The IDL Extractor for XML Document distinguishes between SOAP and pure XML. For XML documents, all parameters will be interpreted as strings and mapped according to specified transformation rules. See Step 5: Specify Options for Target Programming Language. SOAP documents, which contain xsi:type attributes, use the parameter mapping in the table XML Schema Parameter Mapping below. The IDL parameter directions are IN-OUT and the XML mapping directions are IN (Request) and OUT (Response), no Fault mapping trees will be created. If you try to import a SOAP Fault document, the document will be imported as a normal SOAP document.

XML Schema Parameter Mapping

WSDL / XML Schema XMM Software AG IDL
binary, base64Binary binary BV (or BVn or Bn(3)
hexBinary (1) binary BV (or BVn or Bn(3)
boolean boolean L
date date:yyyy-MM-dd (2) D
float float F4
double float F8
byte, unsignedByte integer I1
short, unsignedShort integer I2
int, unsignedInt integer I4
integer, positiveInteger, nonPositiveInteger, negativeInteger, nonNegativeInteger number N29.0
decimal, number number N22.7
long, unsignedLong number N19.0
time dateTime:HH:mm:ss (2) T
dateTime dateTime:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss (2) T
gYearMonth string A8
gDay, gYear string A11
gMonth string A12
gMonthDay string A13
string (and all types not listed here) string AV (or AVn or An(3)


  1. The hexBinary format is not supported by the XML/SOAP Runtime.
  2. Edit the date and dateTime patterns manually to match the formats of the original documents.

    Example: <myTime xsi:type="xsd:date">11:08:23+01:00</myTime> --> dateTime:HH:mm:ss' +01:00 ' --> T

    The +01:00 is not supported by IDL (EntireX RPC protocol).

  3. Mapped according to specified transformation rules. See Step 6: Specify Options for Target Programming Language in the IDL Extractor for WSDL documentation.

Extracting the Name for the IDL Library

The IDL library name (see library-definition under Software AG IDL Grammar) will be extracted from the source file name of the XML document (SOAP document).

Extracting the Name for the IDL Program

The IDL program name (see program-definition under Software AG IDL Grammar) will be extracted from the root tag of the XML document. If the document is SOAP dialect, the name of the first child element of the <soapenv:Body> (xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/") tag will be used.