Monitoring EntireX Message Service Provider

To monitor items in point-to-point messaging (queues, messages, senders, and receivers) or items in publish-and-subscribe messaging (topics, messages, publishers, and subscribers) use the etbinfo tool. This is located in the subfolder bin of the installation folder. See Command-line Utilities for a general description of this tool. It displays Broker status information given by the Broker ID. You can select the information by several criteria and format the display with profiles. In the following, we use the delivered profiles to obtain information on items related to JMS. You can edit copies of the delivered profiles to tailor the output to your needs.

For point-to-point messaging you can use the System Management Hub with the Agent for the Broker to monitor queues, messages, senders and receivers. See Administering EntireX Broker using System Management Hub under UNIX | Windows for this agent.

This document covers the following topics:

Monitoring Queues

Enter the command

etbinfo -b broker id -d SERVICE -c JMS -p

to display the queues currently being used. To display only the temporary queues, add -s TMPQUEUE. To display only the non-temporary queues, add -s QUEUE. The data retrieved is defined in the profile

Monitoring Messages

Enter the command

etbinfo -b broker id -d PSF -e JMS -p

to display data for all the units of work containing messages. For transacted sessions and client-acknowledged messages, a unit of work contains all the messages of one transaction or one acknowledgment. Otherwise, each unit of work contains one message. The JMS message IDs are not visible. The parameter -e JMS restricts the selected data to all units of work sent to a JMS queue (receiver class is JMS). The data retrieved is defined in the profile

Monitoring Senders

Enter the command

etbinfo -b broker id -d CLIENT -p

to display all the clients (senders) currently logged on to the Broker. The data retrieved is defined in the profile

Monitoring Receivers

Enter the command

etbinfo -b broker id -d SERVER -p

to display all the servers (receivers) currently registered at the Broker. If you want to monitor receivers for one queue, use:

etbinfo -b broker id -d SERVER -c JMS -n name of queue -s QUEUE -p

The data retrieved is defined in the profile

Monitoring Topics

Enter the command

etbinfo -b broker id -d TOPIC -l FULL -p

to display data for all the topics currently available in the Broker. The data retrieved is defined in the profile

Monitoring Publications

Enter the command

etbinfo -b broker id -d PUBLICATION -l FULL -p

to display data for all the publications currently available in the Broker. A publication is a transaction of a transacted session or a bundle of messages from one acknowledgment. For acknowledge modes AUTO-ACKNOWLEDGE, DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE each publication contains one message. The data retrieved is defined in the profile

Monitoring Publishers

Enter the command

etbinfo -b broker id -d PUBLISHER -l FULL -p

to display all the publishers currently logged on to the Broker. The data retrieved is defined in the profile

Monitoring Subscribers

Enter the command

etbinfo -b broker id -d SUBSCRIBER -p

to display all the subscribers currently in the Broker. To select all of the subscribers to a topic use:

etbinfo -b broker id -d SUBSCRIBER -T topic name -p

The data retrieved is defined in the profile