CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Managing Your Profile : Managing Your User Preferences : Setting Notification Options
Setting Notification Options
The Notification Options allows you to enable or disable the notification options on specific events.
To modify your notification options
1. In the Notification Options section, select a notification preference:
The options include:
*CentraSiteCentraSite sends notifications to your Inbox.
*EmailCentraSite sends notifications to your email address (as configured above).
2. When you are done, click Save.
When you attempt to disable both the notification options, please note the following points:
*CentraSite will disable the Watch action in the asset details page.
*CentraSite will disable the Inbox in the header at the top of the page.
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