CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Managing Your Profile : About Profiles
About Profiles
By default, the User Preferences page presents the following information:
*Your contact information, such as display name, first name and last name, photo, email address, organization, phone number, and so on.
*Your notification preference.
*Your display language and locale settings, date and time format, and the time zone in the defined locale.
*A list of your portlets.
*A list of your API keys/OAuth2 access tokens.
*A list of your saved searches, favorites, and so on.
For information about setting your profile preferences, see Managing Your User Preferences.
Some settings might not take effect until you log out and then log back in to your CentraSite application.
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