Viewing Your Portlets
Use the following procedure to view the portlets in your Welcome page.
Important: | The Welcome page only includes portlets that are “configured”, that is, the portlets that have been enabled for display via the Configure Your Welcome Page dialog will appear. Portlets that are available to you, but have not yet been enabled for display in the Configure Your Welcome Page dialog, do not appear in your Welcome page. |
To view your portlets
1. In CentraSite Business UI, click the Welcome link (in the upper right corner of the page).
The Welcome page displays a list of portlets that are configured for your view.
2. Locate the portlet that you want to view. Each portlet contains one to multiple entries that match the data feed defined for the portlet.
A list of entries and attributes for each of these entries will display based on the portlet's configuration.
3. Click the name of the entry whose details you want to view.
To see all the portlets that are available to you, click the Configure link in the upper left corner of the Welcome page.
You can view a tooltip text for any attribute of the entry in a portlet by moving the cursor to the attribute value. The tooltip text gives the name the attribute. The tooltip text shown is the content of the attribute's Name field, as defined for the asset in the asset type definition. For information on defining attributes for asset types, see the CentraSite Administrator’s Guide.