CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : Working with Organizations, Users, Groups and Roles : Working with Roles : Adding a Role to an Organization
Adding a Role to an Organization
To add a role to an organization
1. In the activity bar, click Manage Organizations and click on the organization where you will specify the role assignment.
2. In the actions bar for the organization, click Add Role.
3. In the data fields provided, specify the name of the new role and provide a description.
Also mark the checkboxes of all permissions that will be assigned to the role. The dialog offers only the permissions that are appropriate for the logged-in user. If, for example, you are a user with the role CentraSite Administrator, the dialog offers all available permissions (that is, organization-specific and system-wide permissions), otherwise the dialog offers just the organization-specific permissions.
4. Click Add to save the role.
You can define a role without assigning it (yet) to a user or group. Each user or group can have zero, one, or more than one role assignments. For information about role assignments, see Assigning a Role to a User or Group.
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