CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : API Management Solutions : Email Notification Templates and Tokens : Customizing Email Templates : Writing a Custom Email Template
Writing a Custom Email Template
Let's create an email template to use specifically with the API consumption approval workflow. Perform the following procedures to create your custom email template.
1. Write your custom HTML email template, such that the HTML document includes the <html> and <label> tags as displayed in the example below.
<p>Your request for consuming the <b>${entity.name}</b>
API on <b>${request.date}</b> has been processed successfully.<br>
You now have a valid access key, <b>${policycontext.apikey},</b>
which you can use to access the protected API.
The key expires on <b>${apikey.expirationdate}.</b><br><br>
<p><b>API Usage Information:</b><br>
<h4>This is an auto-generated email. Please do not reply to this email.
If you have any queries, kindly contact your administrator.<br></h4>
2. Specify the key parameters.
Set this parameter...
To specify...
The name of the consumer who has submitted the API key request.
The name of the API that the consumer has requested API key for accessing.
The date on which the API key is requested.
The API key the consumer needs to access the API.
The date on which the API key will expire.
This token will be replaced with the usage tips for API key.
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