APIKeyGenerationSuccess.html |
<html> <p>Thanks!<br> <p>Your request for consuming the <b>${entity.name}</b> API on <b>${request.date}</b> has been processed successfully.<br> You now have a valid access key, <b>${policycontext.apikey},</b> which you can use to access the protected API. The key expires on <b>${apikey.expirationdate}.</b><br><br> <br> <p><b>API Usage Information:</b><br> <p><b>${api.usage}</b></p><br> <h4>This is an auto-generated email. Please do not reply to this email. If you have any queries, kindly contact your administrator.<br></h4> </html> |
Set this parameter... | To specify... |
{policycontext.consumer.name} | The name of the consumer who has submitted the API key request. |
{entity.name} | The name of the API that the consumer has requested API key for accessing. |
{request.date} | The date on which the API key is requested. |
{policycontext.apikey} | The API key the consumer needs to access the API. |
{apikey.expirationdate} | The date on which the API key will expire. |
{api.usage} | This token will be replaced with the usage tips for API key. |