Approving a Pending Approval Request by a CentraSite Administrator
CentraSite maintains a record of every request that users submit for approval. If an approval request is pending for an approval for a long time, for example, if the approver is on leave, then the CentraSite administrator can approve the request on behalf of the original approver.
To enable an administrator to approve the approval request on behalf of the original approver, uncomment AllowCSAToProxyApproval enabled = "false" in the custom configuration centrasite.xml file, and set the value to true. This property is available under the path GUIConfiguration\CLLConfigurations in the centrasite.xml file. The configuration file is located in the <CentraSiteInstallDir>\cast\cswebapps\BusinessUI\custom\conf directory.
To approve a pending request
1. Log in to CentraSite Business UI as an administrator.
2. Search or browse for the asset that is pending for approval.
4. Locate the pending approval requests for the asset in the description area of the Basic Information profile. For example, "N number of pending approvals”.
5. Select the request that you want to review and approve by clicking its hyperlinked name.
6. In the approval dialog box, select the user on behalf of whom you are approving the request.
7. Provide suitable comments at the Comment from the Approver text box.
8. Click the Approve or Reject button as appropriate to approve or reject the request.
9. Repeat the process if you have to approve on behalf of other users.