CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Managing Governance Rules : Using CentraSite with webMethods API-Portal : Configuring CentraSite, Mediator, and API-Portal
Configuring CentraSite, Mediator, and API-Portal
After the components listed in are installed, additional configuration tasks must be performed to set up the environment in preparation for publishing APIs to API-Portal. The following table lists these high-level configuration steps and where to go for more information:
Where to Go for Procedures
Configure the CentraSite infrastructure, including LDAP, email server, and log purging.
CentraSite Administrator’s Guide
Set up an organization structure for API provider and consumer organizations.
Section on adding an organization in Working with the CentraSite Business UI
(Optional) Configure Mediator in a clustered Integration Server environment.
Section on configuring communication with CentraSite in Administering webMethods Mediator
(Optional) Configure the communication link between Mediator and Enterprise Gateway.
Section on configuring Enterprise Gateway in webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide
(Optional) Configure the communication link between CentraSite and Mediator by defining Mediator gateways in CentraSite.
Working with the CentraSite Business UI
Create a technical user in CentraSite.
Specify this user when registering an API-Portal gateway in CentraSite. It is considered a best practice not to tie critical actions (such as publishing data or APIs) to a real user whose credentials can expire.
Software AG recommends specifying the same user credentials as the technical user created in Mediator and API-Portal.
Sections on adding a user, assigning a user to a group, and assigning a role to a user in Working with the CentraSite Business UI
Create a technical user for Mediator and add the user to the Administration group so that it may be used by CentraSite when publishing APIs to Mediator.
Software AG recommends specifying the same user credentials as the technical user created in CentraSite and API-Portal.
Section on adding user accounts and adding users to a group in webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide
Create a technical user in API-Portal and assign the user to the API Provider role.
Specify this user when registering an API-Portal gateway in CentraSite. It is considered a best practice not to tie critical actions (such as publishing data or APIs) to a real user whose credentials can expire.
Software AG recommends specifying the same user credentials as the technical user created in CentraSite and Mediator.
Sections on adding a user, assigning a user to a group, and assigning a role to a user in Working with the CentraSite Business UI
Create API-Portal Publisher users (developers who can publish APIs to API-Portal) and assign the users to the API-Portal Publisher role or at least the Modify instance-level permission on the API-Portal.
Sections on adding a user, assigning a user to a group, and assigning a role to a user in Working with the CentraSite Business UI
Set up and customize email templates to be used when informing users about access token request, renewal, and expiration.
Section on managing API keys and OAuth 2.0 tokens in Working with the CentraSite Business UI
Create taxonomies in CentraSite that you can use to categorize APIs in API-Portal.
Section on adding a taxonomy in CentraSite Administrator’s Guide
Register API-Portal gateways with CentraSite.
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