Configuration File
The contents of the configuration file are listed below:
Tag Name | Description |
type | (Optional) The gateway type: API-Portal or Mediator. By default CentraSite takes the value Mediator. |
name | The name of the gateway. |
description | (Optional) Description for the gateway. |
deploymentEndpoint | (Optional) Deployment endpoint of the gateway. By default CentraSite takes the value http://localhost:5555. |
user | User ID of the gateway user. |
sandbox | (Optional) The sandbox category to be used to classify the gateway instance. |
organization | (Optional) Name or key of the organization that will submit the gateway information. By default, CentraSite takes the value Default Organization. |
key | (Optional) Key to be used to update the gateway. |
csUser | (Optional) CentraSite user’s credentials. By default, the credentials of the user who has logged in to CentraSite is used. |
A sample configuration file is shown below:
<!-- type of the Gateway -->
<!-- name of the gateway -->
<!-- Description of the gateway -->
<!-- Deployment Endpoint for the gateway -->
<!-- Mediator user Id -->
<!-- CentraSite user Id -->
<!-- Mediator user password -->
<!-- Name/Key of the sandbox category -->
<!-- <sandbox>Production</sandbox> -->
<!-- Name/Key of submitting organization -->
<!-- <organization>Default Organization</organization> -->
<!-- Key to be used for update -->
<!-- <key></key> -->