CentraSite Documentation : Getting Started with CentraSite : Implementation Concepts : Users, Groups, Roles, and Permissions : Permissions and Roles : Roles and Role-Based Permissions : Organization-Specific Role-Based Permissions and Predefined Roles
Organization-Specific Role-Based Permissions and Predefined Roles
The table below lists organization-specific permissions.
Grants the right to...
Manage Assets
Manage assets and supporting documents within an organization. View, Create, and Modify Assets permissions are implied.
Create Assets
Create assets within an organization.
Modify Assets
Modify all assets and supporting documents within an organization. Also important for performing consumer registrations. View Assets permission is implied.
View Assets
View all assets and supporting documents within an organization.
Manage Design/Change-Time Policies
Manage design/change-time policies within an organization. Implies the right to manage all policy-related objects such as policy conditions and policy parameters. Policy UI permission is implied.
Manage Run-Time Policies
Manage run-time policies within an organization. Implies the right to manage all policy-related objects such as policy conditions and policy parameters. Policy UI permission is implied.
Manage Lifecycle Models
Manage lifecycle models (LCMs) within an organization. Administration UI, Modify Assets, Manage Design/Change-Time Policies, and Manage Runtime Policies permissions are implied.
Manage Users
Manage users, groups, and roles within an organization. Administration UI permissions is implied.
Manage Organizations
Manage an organization, all its child organizations, and the organization folder in the SDL. Manage Users, Manage Design/Change-Time Policies, Manage Runtime Policies, Manage Lifecycle Models, and Manage Assets permissions are implied.
By default, the content of an organization folder is visible to every user of that organization. All organizations are visible for everyone.
The table below lists predefined organization-level roles provided with CentraSite.
Organization-level Role
Organization Administrator
All organization-specific permissions for an organization. Can use the Home, Policy, Administration, and Reports UIs, and view, edit or delete any object within an organization or the organization's descendants. This role cannot be modified or deleted. At least one user in an organization must be assigned to this role at all times.
Asset Provider
Use Home and Reports UI; register as consumer; create assets. By default, all users in an organization receive this role.
Asset Consumer
Use Home and Reports UIs; register as consumer, view assets. By default, all users in an organization receive this role.
Asset Administrator
Use Home and Reports UIs; view policy log and approval history; register as consumer; manage assets and lifecycle models.
Policy Administrator
Use Home and Policy UIs; view policy log and approval history; view assets, manage design/change-time and runtime policies.
API Runtime Provider
Manage run-time policies and configure run-time actions for virtual APIs.
Mediator Administrator
Manage Mediator gateways within an organization.
API-Portal Administrator
Manage API-Portal gateways within an organization.
Mediator Publisher
Publish and unpublish run-time policies and APIs to and from Mediator gateways.
API-Portal Publisher
Publish and unpublish APIs to and from API-Portal gateways.
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