CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite User’s Guide : Using the Asset Catalog : Searching the Asset Catalog : Advanced Search : Searching by Asset Type
Searching by Asset Type
To search for an asset using the asset type
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Asset Catalog > Search.
2. On the Search page, select the Advanced tab.
3. In the Types panel, select an asset type from the drop-down box.
This is of specific relevance to REST and XML based service assets. Beginning with version 9.7, CentraSite Control does not support the following out-of-the-box asset types: REST Service, XML Service, Virtual REST Service, and Virtual XML Service. As a result, you cannot use the Types panel to search for assets that are classified with these asset types.
If you want to include an additional asset type in the search, use the plus button beside the asset type that you have already chosen. This opens a new drop-down box, in which you can specify the additional asset type. When you specify several asset types in this way, the search result will include asset types from all of the chosen asset types.
If you want to search across all asset types, select All Asset Types from the list.
If you want to remove an asset type from the search, use the minus button beside the asset type.
4. Click Search.
Now, CentraSite Control lists the assets that match the search criteria. By default the result set is ordered by relevance.
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