Run-Time Event Logs
The run-time event log contains information about run-time events that have occurred in a gateway (that is, a policy-enforcement point (PEP) or a run-time monitoring component).
The gateway publishes to CentraSite the run-time events that have occurred (assuming that the target type contains a MIB file in its target type definition file). CentraSite provides predefined event types for use with webMethods Mediator or any third-party PEP that is integrated with CentraSite.
Each asset has its own run-time event log, which is located on the Events profile on its detail page. By default, all the predefined event types are logged, but you may disable any type.
You can view the run-time event log of any asset that you can view.
Users with the proper permissions can perform these additional tasks:
View a log of all run-time events that have occurred in a particular gateway or in all gateways.
Create and manage custom run-time event types for use with webMethods Mediator.