CentraSite Documentation : Getting Started with CentraSite : Implementation Concepts : Managing Virtualized Services : Deploying a Virtual Service
Deploying a Virtual Service
The Deployment Process
Undeploying a Virtual Service
Redeploying a Virtual Service
There are several ways you can deploy a virtual service to a Mediator instance. All methods except the first one allow you to deploy multiple virtual services in a single step.
*From the virtual service's detail page.
*From the Operations > Deployment page.
*Running a script file from a command line.
*Running a batch file.
To deploy a virtual service, the following conditions must be satisfied:
*Ensure that you have the Mediator Publisher Role or the publish permission on the gateway. Only users with this permission can deploy a virtual service. CentraSite will not enable the deployment controls for any other users.
*Ensure that the run-time policies for the virtualized service are active. This is indicated in the Policies profile on the virtualized service's detail page. If a policy is inactive, you must activate it as described in Run-Time Governance with CentraSite.
*Ensure that the virtualized service has a design-time policy that includes the Change Deployment Status action and it is set to Yes. This action specifies whether the service is eligible for deployment. For more information about this action, see the CentraSite Developer’s Guide.
*Ensure that the virtualized service has at least one gateway associated with it, and the gateway must already have been created, as described in Run-Time Governance with CentraSite.
*Ensure that the gateway's specified deployment URL is active and the user credentials of Integration Server are valid. To check this, go to the gateway details page and click the Check Connection button. If the connection is not active and valid, activate the deployment endpoint and modify the user credentials as required.
*Ensure that the virtualized service is in a “deployable” lifecycle state. If you are not certain in which lifecycle states a virtualized service is eligible for deployment, consult your CentraSite administrator.
If these conditions are not satisfied, all or part of the deployment user interface controls will be disabled when you view the virtual service.
Only users that are completely familiar with your site's mediation environment should be given permission to deploy virtual services. Generally, this would include a small number of administrators who have operational responsibility for the Mediators on which virtual services are deployed.
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