CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : Managing the Catalog : Simple Search : Using Keywords
Using Keywords
You can define the input for the simple search in the following ways:
*A simple search consists of 1-n search keywords. Multiple keywords are space separated. If multiple keywords are given, a logical disjunction (OR) is implied.
*A keyword is treated as partial text which can occur at the beginning of a word within the searched strings. The starts with semantics are implied.
Example: If the keyword is customer, then the following matches are returned: A sample svc for customers as well as customerservice.
*As you enter the partial text, CentraSite returns the top n assets that meet your search text. You can choose to define the number of search results by configuring the property numOfResultsToShow in the custom configuration file centrasite.xml. By default, the maximum number of results to display is set to "5".
*The search starts with the specified number of offset characters counted from the beginning of the string. You can choose to define the required offset for search by configuring the property minOffsetToStartSearch in the configuration file. By default, the minimum offset character is set to 3.
The minimum offset character cannot be less than 3.
*As multiple keywords are OR combined, the keywords can match a single phrase (e.g. in the description) or individual keywords can occur in different attributes.
Example: If a search is conducted for customer service, then customer could be matched in the description and service in an object specific attribute.
*If there are quotes (" ") around a phrase, then a search is performed on the exact phrase within the quotes. A space within a quoted phrase is considered as a space character and not as a logical separator.
*You can mix and match any number of words and quoted phrases within the text field.
*The search is neither case nor accent sensitive, even within a quoted phrase. Example: A search for abc will return the same results as a search for ABC or Abc.
*If you enter a string that contains an odd number of double-quote characters, then the last double-quote character is ignored when the search is performed.
*If the search input field is empty, then the search execution will not happen.
*If an asset name exceeds n characters, the name is automatically truncated. You can choose the maximum number of characters to display in the asset name using the property maxCharactersToShow in the configuration file. By default, the maximum character limit is set to “60”.
*The simple search can include wildcard characters. See Using Wildcards for details.
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