CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : Managing Assets : Displaying Runtime Information for an Asset : The Runtime Events
The Runtime Events
Displaying the Runtime Events
CentraSite can receive the following predefined runtime event types.
Keep the following points in mind:
*Ensure that Mediator is configured to collect and report runtime metrics to CentraSite, as described in Administering webMethods Mediator.
*Ensure that CentraSite is configured to receive run-time events from Mediator, as described in Run-Time Governance with CentraSite.
Event Type
A Lifecycle event occurs each time Mediator is started or shut down.
An Error event occurs each time an invocation of a virtualized service results in an error.
Policy Violation
A Policy Violation event occurs each time an invocation of a virtualized service violates a run-time policy that was set for the virtualized service.
A Transaction event occurs each time a virtualized service is invoked (successfully or unsuccessfully).
Mediator publishes key performance indicator (KPI) metrics, such as the average response time, fault count, and availability of all virtualized services (described below).
For more information about runtime event types, see Administering webMethods Mediator. For details about metrics tracking intervals, see Administering webMethods Mediator.
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