CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : Managing Assets : Attaching a Document to an Asset : Attaching a WSDL File to a Service Asset : General
When you attach a WSDL file, the following situations are possible:
*The Service asset has no WSDL already attached. In this case the WSDL will just be attached to the asset.
You have the choice between just reusing any existing version of the WSDL/schema file or uploading a new version.
*Select an existing version. An existing version of the WSDL/schema file is attached to the asset. The asset name will be changed to the WSDL's file name.
*Upload a new version. A new version of the WSDL/schema file is attached and uploaded in the repository. The asset name will be changed to the WSDL's file name.
The WSDL can only be attached if no WSDL with the same name and namespace already exists in the CentraSite repository.
*The Service asset already has an attached WSDL file. In this case you can attach any WSDL file to it, even with a different file name and/or different namespace.
Moreover you have the choice between just overwriting the Service asset or creating a new version.
*Always overwrite. The WSDL content in the repository gets replaced by the new content. The asset's name and the classifications Local-Name and namespace are modified according to the new information.
*Always create new versions. A new asset will be established with the information from the WSDL file which will be a new version of the attached one. The original WSDL asset will not be modified.
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