CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : Managing Assets : Introduction
CentraSite enables business users to view and manage assets such as the web services, XML schemas, XML services and REST services.
*Business users use the CentraSite catalog to view and manage their organization's assets, publish assets, edit asset details and assign permissions to assets.
*Consumer and guest users use the CentraSite catalog tab to browse the catalog and search for assets.
CentraSite serves as the central catalog of reusable assets within a development environment. When initially installed, the CentraSite catalog supports several types of assets, such as Web services, XML schemas, XML services, REST services, and application servers.
Not all operations are allowed for all users. A user's role and the instance-level permissions on an asset determine which assets a user is allowed to see and what operations the user is allowed to perform on the asset.
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