CentraSite Documentation : Runtime Governance with CentraSite : Invoking webMethods IS Services in Virtual Services : Using the Security API in webMethods IS Services : pub.mediator.security.ws:AddX509Token
Adds a X.509 certificate (or certificate chain) as a BinarySecurityToken (BST) element in the outbound SOAP request. This service includes the following input parameters:
For reasons of legibility some of the examples below contain break lines and may not work when pasted into applications or command line tools.
In the parameter descriptions, the data type is listed first, followed by the Java type in parenthesis, for example, “Object (org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext)”.
Input Parameters
Object (org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext) (Required) Mediator will place a MessageContext variable into the pipeline before executing the webMethods IS service call.
The default value is: org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext instance
String (String) (Required) The absolute path to a keystore file on the system where Mediator is running.
The default value is: ""
String (String) (Required) The password for the keystore.
The default value is: ""
String (String) (Optional) The type of keystore represented by the file (can be JKS, JCEKS, or PKCS12).
The default value is: JKS
String (String) (Required) The key alias whose X509 certificate will be sent in the soap request as a BST.
The default value is: ""
Boolean (Boolean) (Optional) If set to true will use the entire certificate chain represented by the key alias instead of just a single certificate.
The default value is: false
String (String) (Optional) Indicates the value of the SOAP actor attribute if a new security header is being added to the SOAP request. If the request already has a security header with the actor specified in it, then this value will not overwrite it.
The default value is: ""
Boolean (Boolean) (Optional) Specifies whether the security header will have the mustUnderstand attribute set to 0 or 1 (false / true). If the security header already has this attribute set, then this value will not overwrite it.
The default value is: false
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