CentraSite Documentation : Getting Started with CentraSite : Implementation Concepts : Identifying the Consumers of Virtual Services : Registering an Application Asset with a Virtual Service : The Consumer-Registration Policy
The Consumer-Registration Policy
The consumer-registration policy is a policy that includes the Register Consumer action and executes on the OnConsumerRegistration event. The OnConsumerRegistration event occurs when the user submits the registration request. CentraSite does not provide a consumer-registration policy out-of-the-box. You must create this policy for your instance of CentraSite.
If you will be using the Authorize User policy action to control access to a virtual service at run time, you should strongly consider including an approval step in your consumer-registration policy. When you use this form of access control on a virtual service, registering a consumer application with the virtual service grants that consumer application permission to invoke the service. To ensure that only authorized applications are registered with a virtual service, you might want to have a security administrator review and approve this type of registration request.
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