CentraSite Documentation : Runtime Governance with CentraSite : Virtualized Services in CentraSite : Deploying and Undeploying Virtualized Services to Targets : Deploying, Undeploying, and Redeploying Virtualized Services : Configuring API Key Header Using Command Line Tool
Configuring API Key Header Using Command Line Tool
The command line tool in CentraSite is used to specify the API key header name. This API key header name specified is sent to Mediator as a part of publishing gateways and is used by Mediator for authentication of the API at runtime. Once the Mediator gateway is published, the new header name is set in Mediator .
To set the API key header name, use the following command:
set APIKey header name -url <CENTRASITE-URL> -user <USER-ID> -password <PASSWORD>
–apiKeyHeaderName <API-KEY-HEADER-NAME
Input Parameters
The following table describes the complete set of input parameters that you can use with the above command:
Input Parameter
The fully qualified URL (http://localhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite) for the CentraSite registry/repository.
The user ID of the registered CentraSite user. For example, a user who has the CentraSite Administrator role.
The password for the registered CentraSite user identified by the parameter -user.
The custom API key header used to send API key to Mediator
The default API key header is x-CentraSite-APIKey .
If a custom header for the API key header property is not defined, the x-CentraSite-APIKey is used as the default value. To retrieve the current API key header, the get APIKey header name command is used.
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