CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite User’s Guide : Using the Asset Catalog : Deleting an Asset : Before You Begin
Before You Begin
The following general guidelines apply when deleting an asset:
*When you delete an asset, CentraSite removes the catalog entry for the asset (that is, it removes the instance of the asset from CentraSite's object database). Also note that:
The asset's performance metrics and event information are also deleted.
When you delete services, this information is deleted by the built-in action Delete RuntimeEvents and RuntimeMetrics of Service, which is installed with CentraSite. For more detailed information, see the CentraSite Developer’s Guide.
*When you delete a composite asset, all of its nonshared components are also deleted. For a description of the nonshared components that are associated with the predefined composite types, see the CentraSite Administrator’s Guide.
*When you delete an XML Schema that refers to other XML Schemas, the referenced XML Schemas are also deleted automatically, provided that you have permission to delete them. If you do not have permission to delete a referenced XML Schema, the referenced XML Schema will not be deleted and a warning message will be issued.
*This is of specific relevance to REST and XML based service assets. Beginning with version 9.7, CentraSite supports the enhanced interface for REST services (in contrast, earlier versions of CentraSite supported a standardized interface for REST services). Note that the standardized REST service interface that was implemented by versions of CentraSite prior to version 9.7 is not compatible with the enhanced interface that is implemented by current version of CentraSite. Documentation of the prior REST service interface is available to Software AG customers who have a current maintenance contract in Empower.
*If you have REST services that were created prior to version 9.7 or if you are using the current version of CentraSite Business UI, you can only view details of these REST services in CentraSite Control. Keep in mind that you cannot delete REST services using the CentraSite Control user interface (not even if you belong to the CentraSite Administrator role). You will only be able to delete REST services using the CentraSite Business UI.
Deleting an asset will not remove:
*Other assets to which the asset refers (unless the reference is to an asset that is a nonshared component of the asset you are deleting). For example, if the asset that you are deleting is a Service asset with a Consumes or Consumed By relationship with other services in the registry, the related services will not be deleted.
*Supporting documents that are attached to the asset.
*Earlier versions of an asset. Only the latest version of an asset can be deleted; to remove earlier versions, they must be purged. For more information, see Purging Older Versions.
Before you delete an asset, we strongly recommend that you examine the asset's Impact Analysis profile to determine whether other assets will be affected by the asset's deletion.
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