Differences Between the Standard Welcome Page and the Demo Welcome Page
This section shows the differences between the standard welcome page and the demo welcome page. Based on this you should be able to quickly evaluate the usefulness of this feature for your own business requirements.
The standard welcome page has the following appearance:
The demo welcome page used as an example in this section has the following appearance:
The main changes between the standard welcome page and the customized welcome page that Software AG supplies as a demo can be summarized as follows:
The text in the title of the header section has changed. Also the color of this text has changed.
The background color in the customized welcome page has changed.
The large icons in the titles of the header part and of the widgets have changed.
The small icons in the
CentraSite widget have changed.
The widgets have 3-D effect shadowed borders.
The search box in the header section has been removed.