CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite Developer's Guide : Pluggable Architecture : Customizing Content Pages : Extension Points : Download Documents : Changing the Text String Displayed in the Context Menu
Changing the Text String Displayed in the Context Menu
The text string displayed in the context menu is by default Download Document. If you want to change this, you can do so by extending the CentraSite Control functionality via the extension point downloadDocumentCommand. This extension point has the following definition:
Change the text string displayed in the context menu for downloading an asset.
*id (default: name of implementing class)
See the sample code.
Abstract base class
Provided by
CentraSite Control
See the sample code.
To change the text displayed for the context menu, your implementation of the extension point must define a method getName() of type String. The return value of this method is the text that will be displayed in the context menu.
You can find sample code for defining the extension point in the file DownloadDocumentCustomCommand.java that is provided in the demo folder under the CentraSite installation folder.
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