Modifying Consumer Application Details
If you want to modify the information stored for a consumer application, proceed as follows:
To modify the details stored for a consumer application
1. Display the list of consumer applications. For instructions, see Working with the CentraSite Business UI.
2. In the displayed list, click the link of the application whose details you want to view. This shows the details of the application.
The details include:
The application's basic information (version number, the asset type, owning organization, the current lifecycle state, the last modified date, owning user, the total number of watchers, consumers and pending approvals (if any), and a general description of the application).
Additional information about the application.
3. If you want to modify the application's details, click the Edit icon. You can then enter new values for the application's fields.
4. Modify the application's basic information such as: Name, Description or user-defined Version number.
5. If you want to modify the application's additional information, select the individual profile and modify the fields as necessary.
6. When you have finished making your edits, click Save.