Implement Virtualization and Publish the Virtual SOAP API to Gateways
You use the panel 3 of the Virtualize your API page to configure the gateways for publishing the Virtual API. The publishing operation allows the API Providers to expose the Virtual API in the selected gateways. Clients can then access and examine the usage of the exposed Virtual API.
1. In the Virtualize <API_Name> (Step 3 of 3) wizard, display the list of available gateways that are available to you.
2. In the Gateway drop-down box, choose the gateways (for example, API-Portal, Mediator, or Insight) to publish the Virtual API.
3. In the Sandbox drop-down box, choose the category by which the gateways were classified.
4. Mark the checkbox of each gateway to which you want to publish the Virtual API.
5. Applicable for an API-Portal gateway only. Configure a set of sandbox categories for publishing the Virtual API to the specified sandbox categories of the API-Portal gateways. Do the following:
a. Click the Configure icon next to Sandbox field.
b. In the API-Portal Settings dialog box, select the sandbox category to which you want to publish the Virtual API.
6. Applicable for a Mediator/Insight gateway only. Select the Expose to Consumers option to allow clients to simply access and examine the usage of the exposed Virtual API.
7. Click Virtualize to create the virtual copy (proxy) of the Web Service (without publishing the newly created Virtual API to the selected gateways). This opens the details page of the newly created Virtual API.
The details page for the Virtual API that you just created is displayed.
Else, click
Publish to create the virtual copy of the Web Service and simultaneously publish the newly created Virtual API to the selected gateways.