CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite Administrator’s Guide : Basic Operations : Configuring the Registry Cache Settings : Modifying the Cache Configuration
Modifying the Cache Configuration
Option: maxElementsOnHeap
Option: maxElementsOffHeap
Option: memoryStoreEvictionPolicy
Option: statistics
The SET keyword is followed by pairs of option and value. After the modification operation is completed, the tool will display the modified cache configuration. The following options may be specified:
If one of the options is not specified in the SET operation, its existing value will be copied.
The SET keyword is used as follows:
To modify the cache settings for JAXR
*To modify the cache settings for JAXR, use a command of the following format:
java -jar CentraSiteCacheConfiguration.jar <CentraSiteURL><AdministratorID><password>SET <option><value>[<option><value>...]
java -jar CentraSiteCacheConfiguration.jar http://localhost:53305/CentraSite/CentraSite DOMAIN\admin pAsSw0rD SET maxElementsOnHeap 10000
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