Listing Details of a Particular Configuration
Use the get Authentication command to fetch the details of an existing authentication configuration.
The syntax for the command is:
C:\SoftwareAG\CentraSite\utilities>CentraSiteCommand.cmd get Authentication -domain <DOMAIN>
The input parameters are:
Parameter | Description |
-domain | The domain name of the user repository associated with the configuration. |
C:\SoftwareAG\CentraSite\utilities>CentraSiteCommand.cmd get Authentication -domain LDAPDomain
The response to this command could be:
Executing the command : get Authentication
Domain Name Domain Type
useaf: "true"
dnprefix: "cn="
userrootdn: "ou=people,ou=gdm,o=sag"
personobjclass: "inetOrgPerson"
uidprop: "cn"
url: "ldap://daeqarh01:10389"
noPrinIsAnonymous: "false"
dnsuffix: ",ou=people,ou=gdm,o=sag"
groupobjclass: "groupOfUniqueNames"
usecaching: "false"
applyDomain: "true"
gidprop: "cn"
createGroupProperties: "true"
alias: "LDAPDomain"
memberinfoingroups: "true"
creategroups: "true"
createUserProperties: "true"
mattr: "uniqueMember"
grouprootdn: "ou=groups,ou=gdm,o=sag"
User Mappings:
displayName: "personName:fullName"
mail: "emailAddresses:emailAddress:address"
sn: "personName:lastName"
Group Mappings:
description: "description"
Successfully executed the command : get Authentication