CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite Administrator’s Guide : Logging : Configuring Logs
Configuring Logs
Configuring Log Settings from the Command Line
CentraSite uses the system-defined log settings to store activities and performances of some of the registry objects, such as policies and assets, as log records. However, in some cases, you might want to modify the log settings configuration, in order to determine the optimal performance for CentraSite.
You can configure log settings by executing the following command in the command line interface CentraSiteCommand.cmd (Windows) or CentraSiteCommand.sh (UNIX) of CentraSite. The tool is located in <CentraSiteInstallDir>/utilities folder.
If you start this command line tool with no parameters, you receive a help text summarizing the required input parameters.
The parameters of the command are case-sensitive, so for example the parameter -url must be specified as shown and not as -URL.
To be able to configure the log settings, please note the following points:
*To configure from a command line, the CentraSite Registry Repository must be online, and the tool requires a Java 6 runtime.
*Changes to the log configuration do not affect the currently running tasks.
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