Deploying to Support Your SDLC
When developing Web services and other assets, most IT organizations follow a Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) that includes the following basic phases:
Development phase Web services and other assets are requested and developed, individual contributions are integrated and development tests are conducted.
Test phase services and other assets are tested in a controlled environment that mimics production scenarios.
Production phase services and other assets are made operational. When an asset reaches this stage, the environment in which it resides is tightly controlled and access to the asset is restricted.
In CentraSite, the steps of a SDLC are represented by a lifecycle model. The lifecycle model is customized for your environment and enables you to establish governance controls over all phases of the SDLC for different types of assets.
When planning your CentraSite implementation, the first thing you must do is choose a deployment strategy that supports your organization's SDLC and its implementation requirements. The strategy you choose will determine the number of stages (instances of a CentraSite registry) that your organization will maintain and how it will map the phases of its SDLC to these stages.