CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite Developer's Guide : Access via UDDI : CentraSite UDDI Architecture : Overview
CentraSite behaves like a UDDI registry, as described in the UDDI specification. The main components of CentraSite's UDDI environment are:
*The CentraSite Registry/Repository, in which the UDDI objects are stored.
*One or more UDDI servlets running on different application servers. Each UDDI servlet implements the web services of the UDDI API sets.
The following figure illustrates the multiple UDDI servlet scenario, in which multiple UDDI clients and a JAXR client interact with a single CentraSite registry/repository:
Although there can be multiple UDDI servlets, a CentraSite installation is a single-node UDDI registry. Each UDDI servlet just provides an alternative endpoint for the UDDI web services.
When UDDI data is stored in the CentraSite Registry/Repository, it is mapped to a data model that is common for JAXR and UDDI clients. The data model is an XML representation of JAXR data. Since this representation is also used to store data from the JAXR API, UDDI and JAXR clients act on the same data. Note that JAXR instance-based security is the basis of the CentraSite UDDI security, so changes in the JAXR instance-based security may affect UDDI security.
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