CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : CentraSite Business UI Pluggable Architecture : Customizing the Login Page : Introduction
The standard Login page contains a header section, a login section and a footer section.
The login page has the following schematic layout:
The Header section at the top shows a company logo. You can change the company logo and colors used to display the logo. You can hide the logo as part of the page customization.
The Login section shows the basic fields that are of use for logging in to the CentraSite Business UI. The fields include:
*The product name CentraSite. You can change the product name, and the font and color used to display the product name. You can hide the product name as part of the page customization.
*The username and password text fields to type in your CentraSite login credentials.
*The Remember Me check box to store the specified login credentials as a cookie in your computer. You can change the product name, and the font and color used to display the product name. You can hide the product name as part of the page customization.
*The Log In button.
*The Access as Guest link that redirects you to the CentraSite's Welcome page.
*The Request an Account link that redirects you to the Create an Account page.
*Take a Tour link that redirects you to a download site, either from Software AG or a popular external site, or a delivered document such as a PDF document. By default, http://www.softwareag.com/corporate/default.asp.
You can change the product name and the individual field labels. You can change the font and color used to display them. You can optionally choose to hide the product name as part of the page customization.
The Footer section shows the copyright information. You can hide the copyright information as part of the page customization.
Copyright © 2005-2015 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany.

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