CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : CentraSite Business UI Pluggable Architecture : Extension Points for Customizing Content Pages : Computed Runtime Actions : Enable Runtime Action through Configuration
Enable Runtime Action through Configuration
After you define the computed action as an extension with the above steps, enable the computed action configuration so as to display the action in the policy accordion.
The action parameters defined in the configuration file are editable and cannot be protected.
1. Open the custom configuration file.
2. Locate Policy Action Templates under the CLL Configuration.
The configuration snippet looks like this:
Tham: Initial snippet should be written here.
3. Append the required computed runtime action (“MyComputedRuntimeAction”) configuration statement as below:
eActionParser" />
A unique identifier for the computed action.
It uniquely distinguishes an action in the CentraSite registry. If you wish to reconfigure the action at a later stage, you identify the action using this id.
A parser implementation for the computed action.
4. Save and close the configuration file.
5. Restart Software AG Runtime.
Action Display Names
The display name for a portlet or an action is the name that is displayed by the CentraSite Business UI. A portlet's or action's display name can either be a localized string fetched from the message database or a plain string.
If you want to specify a localized name, enter the message ID. The message ID (for example, INMBU_LBL_PORTLET_PENDING_APPROVALS) must begin with a INMBU label. The portlet will internally identify the message ID, and display the localized name, if available in the message database. Else, if you specify a name without INMBU label, the portlet will simply display a plain text name.
For details on configuration of the portlets using the user interface, see Working with Portlets.
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