Usage | Define a portlet of type "custom" in the CentraSite Business UI. |
Elements | renderPortletContent String portletId String contentId String commaSeparatedParam executePortletAction String portletId String actionId String contentId String commaSeparatedParam |
Abstract base class | IPortListener |
Processing | When the Welcome page containing one or more custom type portlets is loaded in the CentraSite Business UI, the following steps are performed for each "custom" portlet: create an instance of class implement the method renderPortletContent (within the class instance) to render each custom portlet defined in the configuration file. implement the method executePortletAction (within the class instance) to render each action of a custom portlet defined in the configuration file. |
Provided by | BusinessUI |
Code | See the sample code |
Important: | On a “custom” portlet defined as GWT extension point, whenever you execute a basic action (for example, Expand, Collapse, or Close) through the user interface, CentraSite internally sends a corresponding actionId to the GWT extension. |