CentraSite Documentation : Runtime Governance with CentraSite : Run-Time Governance Reference : Built-In Run-Time Actions Reference for Virtual Services : Summary of the Run-Time Actions for Virtual Services : WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 Actions : Authentication Actions (WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2)
Authentication Actions (WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2)
Mediator uses the following authentication actions to verify that the requests for virtual services contain a specified WS-Security element:
Require WSS Username Token
Uses WS-SecurityPolicy authentication to validate user names and passwords that are transmitted in the SOAP message header for the WSS Username token.
Require WSS X.509 Token
Identifies consumers based on a WSS X.509 token.
Require WSS SAML Token
Uses a WSS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) assertion token to validate service consumers.
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