CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite Administrator’s Guide : Basic Operations : Configuring CentraSite : Setting Up CentraSite Eclipse Plug-Ins
Setting Up CentraSite Eclipse Plug-Ins
Installing CentraSite Plug-ins in Your Own Eclipse Environment
Connecting Eclipse to the CentraSite Data Source
Using CentraSite Online Documentation
CentraSite comes with Eclipse plug-ins you can use instead of CentraSite Control. The plug-ins follow the paradigms of the Eclipse Workbench: Views, editors, and a perspective are provided for displaying the contents of a CentraSite registry and repository. The plug-ins also include report design features that use the Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) provided by the Eclipse Foundation. You can find examples in the tutorials on the Software AG documentation website.
If you did not install these plug-ins as part of Software AG Designer because you want to add them to your own Eclipse environment, see the instructions below. In either case, you must then follow the instructions in Connecting Eclipse to the CentraSite Data Source.
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