CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite Administrator’s Guide : Logging : Audit Logs for User Information
Audit Logs for User Information
Starting the Audit Logs
Storing the Audit Log Data
CentraSite uses the system-defined log settings to store user information. The following user activities are covered:
*Start of user session
*End of user session
*Database updates
You can configure the user log settings by executing the following command in the CentraSite command line interface: CentraSiteCommand.cmd (Windows) or CentraSiteCommand.sh (UNIX). The tool is located in the directory <CentraSiteInstallDir>/utilities.
If you start this command line tool with no parameters, you will receive a help text summarizing the required input parameters.
The parameters of the command are case-sensitive, so for example the parameter -url must be specified as shown and not as -URL.
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