CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite Administrator’s Guide : Users, Groups, Roles, and Permissions : Managing Roles and Permissions : Required Permissions to Create and Manage Roles
Required Permissions to Create and Manage Roles
Create a Custom Role
Modify a Custom or Predefined Role
Delete Custom Roles
To create and manage (that is, view, edit, and delete) roles for an organization, you must belong to a role that has the Manage Users permission for the organization. You cannot create a role that has more permissions than your own user account has. For example, if you do not have the Manage Taxonomies permission, you cannot create a role that includes the Manage Taxonomies permission.
Users that belong to a role that includes the Manage Organizations permission have the Manage User permission by implication. Such users can create and mange groups in any organization to which their Manage Organizations permission applies.
You can use the CentraSite Control user interface to assign instance-level permissions to any of the types of objects listed in Set Instance-Level Permissions. You can set permissions on assets, taxonomies, report templates and supporting documents using the CentraSite plug-in for Eclipse.
To understand roles in CentraSite, see Getting Started with CentraSite.
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